Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Home From Camp

I don’t know exactly how it happened, but I’ve been going to summer camp for the last 13 years. I am well into adult hood, way too old to be there, but some how I am drawn in. I added it all up and I have been to camp about 115 times in 13 years. That’s in weeks… yes... 115 Monday through Friday weeks. That figures out to be 575 days. A full year and seven months. That’s a lot of camp. A lot of guitar strings. A lot of revolving door band members. Many songs learned and forgotten, many written and forgotten, some remembered and forgotten again.
I have never counted all this up before, but I wonder if it’s being wearier than ever of sleeping on college dorm beds.
As I look back over these past 8 weeks of this summer, I still have the same feeling as I did when I led worship for my first camps out in Colorado and West Virginia. I loved every minute of it. There are few things that give my spirit a lift more than seeing hundreds of people sing songs to our great God.
So, as I always do at this time of the year, I ask myself… was it worth it? Was it worth all this windshield time in my van? Did I do something worthwhile? Is there eternal value in this ministry?
Well, I got to watch over 400 students obey the gospel of Christ this summer and who knows how many more God will bring to life by the seeds we planted. I can’t get enough of that and it’s worth every day I’ve invested. It’s not for me to wish I were somewhere else or get cynical because I am old and still going to camp. Jesus calls me where he wants me to go. If I go elsewhere before God calls me, I’d be arrogantly rushing into places I don’t belong. Who needs another arrogant musician nosing his way into where he does not belong?

In case it's forgotten, below is a set list from one of the weeks of camp. (*= original composition)

Monday PM
The Sound*
Everlasting God
Your Grace is Enough
Clinging To The Cross
Jesus Paid It All
Glorious Impossible*

Tuesday AM
Not To Us
Let The World See*
Unfailing Love*

Tuesday PM
You Never Let Go
Best Of Me*
Mighty To Save
Trust In You*
Amazed By You*
King Of My Soul*

Wednesday AM
Mighty To Save
Glorious Impossible*
You Never Let Go

Wednesday PM
Not to Us
The Sound*
King Of My Soul*
Ready To Be Restored*
Clinging To The Cross

Thursday AM
Your Grace Is Enough
Here I Go*
Unfailing Love*

Thursday PM
Best Of Me*
Everlasting God
Ready To Be Restored*
Glorious Impossible*
Trust In You*

Friday AM
Mighty To Save
The Sound*
Let The World See*

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

worship as evangelism

I was working on a few hours sleep. I was nervous that I would goof up the service. I was not sure my guitar amp was turned on until I tried to play the first chord. Confirmation: amp not turned on, no sound coming out, audience silent and bored.
"Alright everybody lets worship."
This was the scene a few nights back as I walked on the stage to lead an audience to the throne of God. I was not sure how to get there myself. But, before I walked on stage, I prayed that God would make something out of the music and use it for glory bigger than me.
After mumbling through the set and going back to my seat, I though, “I hope that was not as bad as I think it was.”
When the service was over I was standing at my CD table when a big 6’5” dude came up and asked to speak to me. Here is what he said. “When I saw you and your band leading worship tonight, I saw something in your faces that I knew I needed, but did not have. Your worship, led me to Christ and I became a Christian tonight… because of your witness.” Later in the week, this same guy surrendered to God’s call into full time Christian ministry. Wow.
Lesson learned: My emotions, moods, amount of sleep, energy or circumstances have nothing to do with God’s ability to use me. If I’m bouncing off the walls or falling on my face, it’s God’s work in me that brings about miracles. My only contribution is availability and obedience. Ask God to use you in spite of the way you feel. Ask him to lift you up beyond the natural. Ask for miracles.
I thank God for using me that night. Please pray for us that this kind of thing happens every night we play.